Sonia Angelica Miharu

Character Information
Sonia Angelica Miharu is a 27 year old woman that is the reincarnation of a goddess whose name was lost to time. She is fairly easy to get along with, just like how it is easy to annoy her.
If one wishes to learn more about her, simply ask her and she will gladly tell her story, or at least, tell what she wants to be told.
This OC is both SFW and NSFW so you have been warned. Sonia is not completely smut focused as the main purpose was to have more serious and wholesome moments. For more smut related things, head to the other Sophia. (@GraspThyDesires).
Do NOT force changes onto the OC for it to be to your liking without discussing first. This also includes making actions for my character, when I haven't done such thing. First time is a warning, second time results in a drop.Replies will be slow for the most part, and I will likely have to repeat that so people don't think I am ignoring them.Bumping for replies is fine, but spamming will result in a drop.Info on Shipping
Sonia is multi-ship but will be selective on who she will he shipped with. Of course, chemistry comes first.

The origins regarding Sonia is unknown to all within this universe, but only one person knows what it could be — and it’s Sonia herself. However, her memory about her own origins has become hazy due to the numerous amount of reincarnations she has gone through since her original death.
So let’s start from the beginning. . the REAL beginning.It all stated when there was nothing. Soon after, a massive event occurred which now led to the universe being created. Within it, there were many entities grouped together in different corners of said universe, Sonia being one of them.
But Sonia is not her true name, that’s the name given to the most recent reincarnation. The woman’s real name is Avida, a young goddess born not long after the universe was created.
At first, Avida and the group she was paired with simply drifted across the universe, passing various galaxies before she finally began to open her eyes. . only to see what looks like beautiful colors that were able to fill the dark void they were in.Many years soon pass, the group are now much more mature than usual, and can also properly control their divine-like powers. So much so, they they decided to call themselves Guardians for the time being.Even more time soon passes, the group are now inhabiting planets full of life, gaining their own followers to worship them and are living a rather pleasant life. That is, until Avida came across another entity like herself. She was now experiencing emotions that one in modern times could call love, and it quickly overwhelmed her. Avida and the entity soon became close, to the point where they both fell in love and got into a relationship after only a month, which led them to getting married and having children after probably a year of being together.This proved to be something that didn’t end well for her. As one of the other gods that was grouped with Avida saw the development of their relationship, and felt a massive swarm of jealousy take over.‘I have been around her even longer than that fool, so why!’Then, on one fateful day, the god confronted Avida’s lover which resulted in the woman’s source of happiness to die by his hand. However, Avida was there to witness the murder of her beloved, catching the other god’s attention and he quickly proclaimed his love for her.Love? Love!? How dare he say that he loves her after witnessing what he just committed.
Best believe she was not a happy goddess, so much so that she tore him to shreds out of cold blood and sent the remains to his followers as a warning on not to mess with her.
This caused an uproar and even a war being declared on Avida that did not end well. Fueled by rage and despair over the death of her beloved, the goddess destroyed the opposing forces with her own army of followers in a matter of hours, forcing them to surrender, call for a truce and even merge with Avida’s following to which she accepted under one condition: do anything like this again and she will give them the same punishment as their former leader.After the declared war had ended, Sonia spent the rest of her life mourning and grieving at the loss of her beloved while looking over her three children with the help of her followers.
On her death bed, she says the following words before passing on:
“ I may be on my death bed now. . But my will and strength will be passed down my bloodline until nothing remains. All I ask. . is that you make sure my children are safe. “Since then, she has gone through numerous reincarnations, living so many different lives while also experiencing the same emotions over and over again.Avida’s many reincarnations
After her initial death, she went through reincarnation after reincarnation, living through various lives and experiences many different species at the same time.
From dragons to elves to foxes. . all without realizing that each life connects to her original body.
See. . after her initial death, her body was safely stored away on the planet in which she married the love of her life, deep within the first institute built in her name.
But there will often times be moments where the place where her heart is will start to glow, this was an indication that she is being reincarnated in a brand new body on a separate planet.
Every experience, every memory, every moment of pain, the original body acts as a hard drive and saves absolutely everything about them, down to the species this reincarnation came out to be.In time, there will be a moment where the most recent reincarnation will find her original body, and finally become one with it after so many years, millions, probably even billions of years worth of reincarnations.
By then, she’ll be as powerful as if she was still at her prime, being able to tap into powers and abilities from past reincarnations to aid her in battle or just everyday life.
With so many lives she has gone through, let’s just say that she has plenty of experiences that can prove useful.Current Backstory
(Still a WIP)

NSFW InfoSonia is a switch, she will be dominant towards some, she will be submissive towards some people.Aftercare is a must if you plan on doing smut with this character, if not, then I’m not interested.Minors and accounts portraying underaged characters DNI for the purpose of lewd. Ignore my warning and you will be blocked as a result.Kinks and limits will also be discussed before any plot is talked about.
Forcing kinks onto my character after discussion will result in being dropped on the spot.

Extra Information/TidbitsName at Birth: Sonia Angelica Miharu ————————————————————————
Later changed to: Sophia Angelica Miharu————————————————————————
Name in the Demon Realm: Sonia Trinity Miharu
Age: 27
Occupation: Unknown
Height: 6'4"
Weight: It’s a secret! But she’s easy to pick up.
Likes: Baking, Sweets, Friends, Family, Stuffed Plushies
Dislikes: Fuck around and find out :)


The form that Sonia is commonly seen in whenever she has no work to do. Making herself look so elegant with a transformation of her own to avoid revealing her true self.

This is the form that Sonia takes when going to work. There’s no real reason for the change in appearance aside from it feeling more professional compared to the original look she has.

An enhanced version of Sonia’s more combat oriented form. Parts of her hair will turn into snakes and she gains access to abilities that are limited to that form specifically, aside from one other form.This form is sort of a preview to what she truly looks like.

But then there’s her true form from her original body. The look of a beautiful, divine being surrounded by serpents that will be her very command.Dormant primordial power being unleashed.
However, with how Sonia’s body is now, she can’t last too long in the form

Credits for all images used in this carrd:Home:
Images of Dorothy:
yoya_yogurt on Twitter/X
Images of Gullveig:
yoshiku449 on Twitter/X
Rin from BA:
Chained Soldier official manga
The images provided should have embedded links that lead to the source of those images. If not, then the sources will be provided here.